Action shooting is coming to the AGC. The first step is to get members certified to draw from holster.


The AGC Holster Certification policy has been put in place in order for individual members to practice drawing from a holster and to also allow those individuals to draw a "hot" handgun during an AGC sanctioned event. The certification is NOT a class. We are simply verifying an existing skill.

In the policy documents below, you will find all of the rules and regulations as well as instructions for how to go about getting certified. The class curriculum and course of fire are also in the policy.

It is important to note that this certification is strictly game-oriented. This program has been established and is run by the AGC's Action Shooting Committee. This certification has nothing to do with self-defense. All of the drawing is done from outside the waistband, strong side holsters.

Since we do not teach anything, it is expected that anyone signing up for this certification is already highly skilled with safe handling of their handgun, has the proper equipment, and already knows how to draw safely. The gear required is a belt that is specifically designed for holster use, a holster made specifically for your gun (more details in the policy), a safe gun, around 30 rounds of ammunition, and most important - a great attitude.

It is permissible to sit-in on a certification to see what is covered and to see different types of equipment you may be interested in before purchasing. You can also interact with the participants and instructors before or after the session, but please refrain from any interruption during the session. Marksmanship is not measured, nor is speed. This is all about safety.

We have an amazing cadre of professional instructors who have volunteered their time to conduct these sessions in order to advance action shooting at the AGC. We will be conducting sessions on the first Saturday of the month and the third Sunday of the month. All of the sessions will begin at 12:30 in the Barnes Lower classroom unless otherwise noted on the calendar.

After you have read ALL of the material and want to register in a session, the first step will be to take and pass the online test. Then, please go to the "Online Purchases" link from the Home Page, select "Holster Certification" and make the one-time payment as you would normally. After you have passed and paid, please send an email to and let me know which session you would like to attend. We limit each instructor to no more than 5 "students" and have at least 2 instructors per session, so most sessions can only accommodate 10 people. After you have attended the session and passed both the online and practical tests, you will be given your Holster Certification Badge.

Please print out the affidavit and bring it with you along with your test certificate and payment receipt to your session.