Public Trap

The AGC opens its trap range to members and non-members for open shooting every Sunday afternoon, Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon throughout the year. Hours of operation for Public Trap are:

  • Sunday afternoons from 12:00PM until 4:00PM
  • Wednesday evenings from 6:00PM until 9:00PM
  • Saturday afternoons from 12:00PM until 4:00PM

New shooters and non-members are welcome to participate. We have several members who are NRA certified Shotgun instructors and at least one of these members are usually on hand on Sundays to help the new shooter to get started in this exciting part of the shooting sports. If you, or someone you know, is interested in learning how to shoot trap, then we encourage you to stop by on Sunday afternoon and join in on the action.

During Sunday's Public Trap sessions, we often shoot variations of basic trap such as Doubles, Protection and Handicap Rounds for those experienced shooters who want to challenge their skills. If you want to shoot one of these special rounds, ask the Trap Official about it when you sign up to shoot.

A 25 shot round of trap costs $4.00 for AGC range badge holders, $6.00 for guests who do not have an AGC range badge, and $3.00 for Juniors. All Junior shooters must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

Wobble Trap is priced the same as regular trap ($4 AGC members & $6 non-AGC members).

In addition to providing the voice activated trap field, AGC also sells 12 and 20 gauge ammunition. We do not provide firearms.

If you have any questions about Public Trap, you can call the AGC Range Office at 410-461-8532. If you want to check to make sure that we are open, you can call the AGC Trap Office during the hours of operation of Public Trap at 410-461-9864.