Weather Policy

Inclement Weather Policy
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. (AGC)
Patapsco Ranges

The AGC operates off the same inclement weather closing policies for facilities as the Baltimore County Government. When the Baltimore County Inclement Weather Emergency Plan is in effect, the AGC Ranges and Range Facilities are closed and all events are canceled.

Inclement Weather Emergency Plan Status

Local television and radio stations routinely announce the status of the Baltimore County Inclement Weather Emergency Plan.

The Inclement Weather Emergency Plan status for Baltimore County can also be found at MD Department of Transportation website

The Association adheres to the Baltimore County Inclement Emergency Plan Status.

Range Status

When the Baltimore County Inclement Weather Emergency Plan is no longer in effect, check with the Range to verify that the ranges are open and operational.

Lower Range House phone: 410-461-8532
Events line:  410-461-9855